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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What are life quotes?

Life quotes are those quotes that can bring inspiration to a fellow neighbor. When I was recovering from my nine surgeries, I always wanted to keep my brain active and learn new things. One day some friends came to visit me, when I was still in pain physically and mentally. They encouraged me to listen to All ye by Coffey Anderson, and the song was so encouraging that I decided, I needed to learn how to play the guitar.  

Coffey Anderson's music videos on youtube are instructive, teaching one how to play the guitar. I watched many of his videos and tried to replicate them. I also watched other guitar playing instructive videos on youtube.

After about six months I played my first piece. Which is featured below. If it was not for people like Coffey Anderson, I would not have discovered the art of guitar playing. His words in the song All ye were a source of inspiration.  I believe every human being is blessed with a gift, it is just up to someone to dig deep and figure out that gift.

Six ways to find out your gifts and strengths to better life.

1. Ask your parent figures (people that helped raise you up} your strengths. They know you the best. .

2. Ask your close friends what your strengths and weaknesses are. This can provide confidence when performing tasks. For some reason your friend can pick up character traits that are hard to discover by yourself. I literally tried this recently, I went out for dinner with a group of friends, and asked everyone on the table to share their strengths and weaknesses. It is was quite interesting, my friends picked out traits in my character that I never knew. This has made me more efficient in my daily tasks,

3. Analyze your hobbies, they can tell you a lot about strong character traits that can help you in life.

4. Write down your goals and ways to better your life everyday. Some how this will enhance your brain potential and force you to use gifts and strengths to overcome obstacles. Here are links that explain this better. Increase brain potential and the power of thinking.

5. Make sure your social networks add value to your life and are fruitful. Bad company spoils good character.   

6. Look for a mentor in life to guide you through your field. For example, if there is figure out there that has been successful in your field of business or interest, read more about the figure and even better, try to contact the individual and form a relationship with the individual. This individual can tell you if your doing something wrong or your in the right track because of being successful and familiar with the field.

I hope these quotes from my life improve yours.

My first short guitar instrumental.

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