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Friday, December 31, 2010


Life quotes on Music: Music can be a tool of healing, and I am testament to that. Read the poetry and prose below. Stay Blessed.

The beat goes Tigida Tigida as the Queen of England steps out of the plane, she listens to the beat and smiles, as the locals of the "Pearl of Africa"  welcome her to their nation. She inhales the breath of hospitality in this nation, and feels right at home.
The following week, the beat goes Tigida Tigida as the President of France steps out of the plane, he listens to the beat and smiles, as the locals of the "Pearl of Africa" welcome him to their nation. He is also affected by the breath of hospitality and feels right at home.
 Music can improve relations between nations
My South African friend said:
"We fought apartheid, lets unite as we sing Kwaito Music. It is the pride of our nation and puts the country on the world map for the right reasons and not the wrong reasons. We have come a long way. Though the word Kwaito reminds me of the barbaric activities in the gold mines, the Kwaito sounds rapidly erase those tragic memories with a state of pride and victory."
Music was a medium of hope to the people of South Africa, and the country is well known overseas for its enthralling sounds.

I listened to inspirational songs after every surgery, and it gave me hope. It put positive thoughts in my mind, and  I never thought, I would not make it through adversity. So whenever I listen to those songs now, they remind me of the struggles I went through, and how I overcame them. One particular song that really helped me in the latter stages of my recovery was "All ye" by Coffey Anderson. This song always made me happy and rejuvenated my spirits. Music is truly a healer.

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