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Friday, December 31, 2010


Take a script out of the Life Quotes manual and make a difference in the world. Impacting a society positively, can only earn you respect.

Arise son, rise from your slumber. The world needs healing, start believing.
Unravel those hidden talents from the grave,  as the world crave.

Arise nation, as terrorism is a common denominator in the modern world, we adore heroism.
Our dear soldiers, we cheer you from afar as you risk your lives.
Our hearts pound with every move you make, and every breath you take in the battle field, with hope your families will see your next breath, in the Christmas winter.
God bless you soldier, the soldier we truly love

Arise church,  come out of the four walls and fight morality in our society.
Church, don't even dare try to scare the lost souls, welcome everyone with love

Arise people, we heard him say, "The sun shone brightly down on me as if she were shining for me alone" Yes! It is true, the sun knows your significance and potential. Only if we can live as one with no prejudice, we can truly see the power of unity.

Arise, I say arise.

Marlon Katsigazi

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