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Sunday, December 26, 2010


This is one of my favorite poems, I wrote a couple of years back. The world needs healing and people with the right motives to stop the unnecessary hate. People need to change their way of thinking to impact the world positively, every human being is a gift from God and should be respected.


What has happened to the black pride?
All our forefathers with a stride of enthusiasm left a perfect benchmark
Martin Luther, Nelson Mandela and George Washington Carver to mention but a few
Uh wee! What a treat representing the wit of the black world

Corrupted by the material world and a scourge of moral decay,
Our so called heroes today are leading the young ones away,
Leaders in Africa have turned their countries to their own,
Sitting at the helm like a monarch of Pre-Revolutionary France
Engulfing all the wealth as people strive to maintain their health
Black –on- black violence is the very essence of life,
Look no further to the Darfur Conflict and the Rwanda Genocide, what has come of this world
The Hip hop revolution, an avenue to show the talent of a brother
Has become a venue for sin, representing women as sex objects, we all bother
Women are the catalysts of new life, how can we abuse God’s precious creation
Have we forgotten we are created in the likeliness of God?
Our bodies are not meant for pleasure and destruction, but to treasure
Our bodies are to speak life to fellow man
Vice is what I see written in many churches today, advice is no longer a priority
We all need to stand for what is right and show the enemy our might.
With an embodiment of humility in all our works
Seek the Lord passionately for he is the way the truth and the life
The foundation of character should be centered on God
Then we would see a world without violence and corruption
But a world of unity, love and compassion
Is this a satire?
Look at the attire this poem wears and be enlightened
Marlon Katsigazi

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