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Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Life quotes: Water is life.

We can't live without water. The human body is 68% water. The poem below talks about how a country like Egypt needs water to survive, just like many other countries. Water is a blessing to Egypt.

Lesson to Learn

Water is life, so preserve and use it well. Do not waste it by leaving your tap on unnecessarily or taking long baths whilst wasting water. There are many other bad habits of using water which we need to avoid to make the world a better place.

Be a blessing to your neighbor and love graciously like the R. Nile


Flow like the ravishing  Nile, its tributary, the Blue Nile, with its fertile soil that prevents toil for food.
Flow like the ravishing  Nile, the mastermind behind the works of the Aswan High Dam, providing power that provides a glow in the nights of Egypt.
Flow like the ravishing Nile, a medium of trade for those countries that seek an economic upgrade.
The Nile is such a cornerstone of civilization to those countries around.
The Nile is life, water is life.

Be a source of inspiration to those around you like the Nile, do not curse but bless those around you.
Speak life and not death, there is power in the tongue. Be a pillar of love, and hold the walls of the world together.
Show endless love to your fellow neighbor, just like the Nile shows its love to the Egyptians.
The Nile does not ponder acts of love, but loves graciously. Love graciously and you will be a replica of the Nile. Be the Nile, in a world  that lacks love and adheres strife.
The Nile is life. love is life.

Marlon Katsigazi

Monday, January 10, 2011

Life quotes: A true friend should always speak positive things about you, whether your around or not. Watch your friend circle, make sure your benefiting positively from those people you spend time with. Unproductive and pessimistic friends will tarnish your self esteem. I wrote a poem about A TRUE FRIEND below. Listen and enjoy.